On Thursday, February 20, 2025, we will be closing early for a company-wide meeting. Please visit AlturaCU.com/locations for specific branch closure times.

Did you know?

Forget generic plastic, go wild! Nicknames, teams, or just a sprinkle of you – personalize your Altura cards with a second line and make them truly yours.
Second Line on Debit and Credit Cards - Altura Credit Union

Six decades of unwavering service, six decades of dreams realized. Altura’s legacy is etched throughout Riverside County.

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Building stronger futures, brick by brick and lesson by lesson, Altura fuels community through volunteerism.

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Boost your savings, boost your luck! Altura rewards $1,500 to two lucky savers every quarter – could you be next?

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Credit Unions are financial cooperatives because they are owned by their members. Each member has an ownership share in the credit union.

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Let Us Stand Strong Together

June 2, 2020

Dear Altura Members:

Altura Credit Union has a history of supporting our communities and making a difference.  The tragic death of George Floyd is a painful reminder that systemic racism and injustice continue to plague our nation. A silence that has too long filled the collective ears of America is finally sounding an alarm to seek justice for all.

We know that many of our own employees and Members, who have lived under the dark shadow of social injustice, are hurting and are now called to action. We want you to know that you are not alone.  Altura Credit Union stands with our community and all who fight to guarantee basic human rights to bring meaningful change.

As we navigate these challenging times, every member of the Altura community can count on our continued unwavering dedication to inclusivity and diversity. In the weeks and months ahead, we will look for ways we can be a louder voice in bringing permanent change, as well as acknowledging where we can do better.

2020 has certainly been a year of difficulty, as these recent events occur in the midst of a pandemic. But in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. –

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

Let us continue to stand strong together.

Board of Directors and CEO

Jacqueline Hall - Altura Credit Union - Board Chairwoman
Jacqueline Hall, Board Chairwoman
Jennifer Binkley, CEO - Altura Credit Union
Jennifer Binkley, CEO
Perry Reed - Altura Credit Union - Vice Hair
Perry Reed,                Vice Chair
Joe Calderon - Altura Credit Union - Director
Joseph Calderon, Secretary
George Price - Altura Credit Union - Board Treasurer
George Price, Treasurer
Mark Balys - Altura Credit Union - Immediate Past Chair
Mark Balys, Imm. Past Chair
Gloria Perez - Altura Credit Union - Board Secretary
Gloria Perez, Director
Ninfa Delgado - Altura Credit Union - Director
Ninfa Delgado, Director
Keith Downs - Altura Credit Union - Director
Keith Downs, Director
Eugene Kim - Altura Credit Union - Director
Eugene Kim, Director
Alan Strzemieczny - Altura Credit Union - Director
Alan Strzemieczny, Director
Norman Perry - Altura Credit Union - Director
Norman Perry, Director
Barbara Purvis - Altura Credit Union - Director
Barbara Purvis, Director
Jerry Rivera - Altura Credit Union - Director
Jerry Rivera, Director

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